Loki Vintage Propaganda

FAQ - What you should know.

On this page you will find all useful information about "The Drawing Coypu", the propagandist craftsman behind the posters, cards and other visuals featured on this site.

Le Propagandiste Anarchiste.

Affiche pour Loki


Anarchist for a long time and illustrator of vintage stuff since March 2020.

I'm lucky enough to be a propagandist artist who lives in France with his partner, his cats and his neuro-atypia.

I love coypu (which I use to remain anonymous on the Internets), puffins and buckwheat pancakes.

I draw to spread progressive and revolutionary ideals, to calm my anxieties and (try) to earn a bit of a living.



My main goal is to make anarchist, communist and socialist propaganda that affects the largest number of people.

I therefore include progressive, revolutionary and ecological messages in my work, as well as inclusive and radical themes.

Mutual aid, class struggle, anti-authoritarianismbut alsogender identities questions or the denunciation of police violence are my favourite subjects.



With an anarchist approach and a desire for accessibility, I distribute my content for free.

All my work (except for commissions) is published under a Creatives Commons.

In addition to this free sharing,I offer paid services and prints for purchase.

This free/paid compromise allows me (to try) to make a living from my work while respecting my ideological convictions as much as possible.



Mes créations sont inspirées par les affiches , cartes et documents iconographiques des années 1840 à 1910 ; et plus particulièrement par les styles victorien, Arts and Crafts et Art Nouveau.

Mon but est de faire une propagande révolutionnaire en détournant les usages de la publicité et en refusant les normes actuelles de communication. Cela se retrouve dans les choix des messages et dans celui de ne pas respecter la hiérarchie des informations et des symboles du design moderne.

You should know that Loki Gwynbleidd and its founder are present on other platforms and networks to shitpost spread Vintage and Anarchist Propaganda and exchange on the perspectives of social struggles.

Find all of Loki Gwynbleidd's links on my contact space


Used to make the differents artworks.


Ensemble d'outils

Except for the typography, almost all content has been designed and thought out on a computer.

The digital posters and models are made on computer equipment and more specifically with:

    The linocuts are produced using:

    I make my cyanotype prints with:

    I make my typographic compositions by hand and use: