Loki Vintage Propaganda

Département des personnalisations

Artistic commissions

There are 2 types of artistic commissions and commissioned work: customisable visuals and original creations.

Loki Gwynbleidd's art commissions always bring a quirky, old-fashioned touch to your decorations, campaign materials and promotional items.

Developed from real ideas that come out of my head (and that of the clients) or from old references that have proved their worth, the graphic commissions are guaranteed to be original and radical.

These visuals, which are of exceptional quality, will frighten the bourgeois, the reactionaries and the authoritarians while ensuring the sympathy of the comrades in struggle.

Iels ont fait confiance à la Propagande Vintage et Anarchiste de Loki Gwynbleidd :

To find out more about ordering and customisation, go to the dedicated page.